The barrage of new technologies that are introduced to the market, each with the promise of altering (or at least affecting) the corporate world, can easily make one numb. However, our examination of a few of the more important IT trends makes a strong argument for the fact that something important is taking place. Granularity, speed, and scale—the three key elements that have characterized the digital era—are typically being accelerated by these technological advancements. However, the extent of these shifts in bandwidth, computer power, and analytical complexity is what's creating new opportunities for organizations, inventions, and business models. Greater innovation may be made possible by the exponential gains in processing power and network speeds brought about by the cloud and 5G, for instance. Advances in the metaverse of augmented and virtual reality provide opportunities for immersive learning and virtual R&D using digital twins, for example. Technological development
"For the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, happiness has decreased in all age groups, but especially for the young, so much so that the young are now, in 2021-2023, the least happy age group," according to the new report. "This is a big change from 2006-2010, when the young were happier than those in the midlife groups, and about as happy as those aged 60 and over. For the young, the happiness drop was about three-quarters of a point, and greater for females than males."
Although overall levels of loneliness are not unduly high in global terms, there is a significantly different pattern across the generations," the report says
"Loneliness is almost twice as high among the Millennials than among those born before 1965. Millennials also feel less socially supported than Boomers in those countries, another place in which these countries look different from the rest of the world. This is despite the fact that actual social connections are much more frequent for Millennials than Boomers, and about as frequent as for Generation X."
(FILES) Britain's Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (R) and Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama (L) shar...Show more Gareth Cattermole/POOL/AFP via Getty Images.
The results are based on self-assessments from people in more than 140 countries who are answering questions regarding their overall satisfaction with their lives. The study also takes into account six key variables which contribute to explaining life evaluations, including GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity and corruption.
Then to help understand the differences seen between countries, they look at six factors: the nation's healthy life expectancy, economy (GDP per capita), levels of corruption, social support, generosity and freedom.MORE: Gustav Klimt portrait found after vanishing nearly 100 years agoThe top 10 countries overall this year are Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Australia.The countries that fared the worst and were least happy this year are Zambia, Eswatini, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Congo (Kinshasa), Sierra Leone, Lesotho, Lebanon and Afghanistan, which was listed as the least happy by a sizeable margin.
This means that there is more difference in happiness in the US
The report, which was published on Wednesday, was released to coincide with the U.N.'s International Day of Happiness which is celebrated on March 20 every year to promote happiness, well-being and a more compassionate world.But in the US, happiness and what's happening on the ground aren't linked in the same way that they are in other countries.This means that in the US, people's happiness is probably caused by other things, like their personal cash situation and their hope for the future. These things seem to have a much bigger effect on how happy someone is in the US than they do in Canada.
The difference in happiness between people whose household income is less than $50,000 and those whose household income is more than $100,000 is 18 points. It's only 8 in Canada. In the US, the difference in happiness between men and women is twice as big as it is in Canada. And in the US, the difference in happiness between young and old is much bigger than in Canada.Happiness and taking part in government are two things that are the same between the two countries. Civic involvement (using whether they voted in the last election as a stand-in for this) is a big factor in how happy someone is, or how unhappy they are. Ten points separate those in Canada who voted from those who did not. It's 17 in the US.THE BRIEF First, some good news: Oksana Kishchuk says that happiness is rising in Canada. There are many reasons to be more hopeful, such as fewer cases every day, more people getting vaccinated, and warmer weather.It's possible that more people getting vaccinated might not mean more happiness, at least not in the long run, if the United States is any indication.
Even though Canada isn't the US, these data show that how people feel about the pandemic isn't always linked to how many people get vaccinated. It likely depends on how you've been dealing with the pandemic, how you feel about your life and work, whether you have a strong support system, whether you are feeling tired from the pandemic, and how it has been affecting your mental health. Plus, it might be more important if the pandemic has made the unfair things you already had to deal with worse or brought you new ones.As we start to slowly come out of the outbreak, we will keep an eye on Canada's national happiness to see if this upward trend continues. We will hold on to this good news about our happiness for now, though.Also, get our Worth A Look newsletter every week so you don't miss any of our study and analysis. Sign up right now.HOW TO DO IT From March 4th to March 7th, 2021, our poll was done online with 1,500 Canadians and 1,500 Americans aged 18 and up. A random group of panellists from a set of partner panels built on the Lucid exchange platform were asked to fill out the survey. These partners are double-opt-in poll panels that are mixed to get rid of any problems that might come from using data from a single source.
It's possible for a probability-based random group of the same size to be off by 2.2% 19 times out of 20
In Canada, the results were weighted based on census data to make sure that the sample was representative of the whole country in terms of age, gender, level of education, and region.In the US, the data were weighted based on census data to make sure that the sample was representative of the US community in terms of age, gender, region, and race.Rounding means that the sums may not add up to 100.The company Abacus Data paid for and ran this poll.ABOUT DATA FROM ABACUSAs technology and people's lives change faster than ever, we are the only research and strategy company that helps businesses deal with the risks and opportunities that come with them.Find out more about how we are helping our clients deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are a unique public opinion and marketing research firm that is growing very quickly. To give our clients the best research-based help, we use the newest technology, good science, and a lot of experience. We do study all over the world and put a lot of emphasis on customer service, attention to detail, and great value.When we did study for the 2019 Canadian Election, we were one of the most accurate pollsters.
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